O romance Gaibéus (1940), de Alves Redol (1911-1969), é um dos marcos do movimento neorrealista português. Assim sendo, a proposta deste artigo é proceder a uma análise da referida obra, destacando as relações intrínsecas entre personagens, espaço e estrutura romanesca para revelar a luta entre algozes e vítimas e a derrota destas num universo dominado pelas leis imutáveis do capitalismo.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Gaibéus; Personagens; Literatura Portuguesa.
The novel Gaibéus (1940), by Alves Redol (1911-1969), is one of the most important books from Portuguese neorealist movement, presenting a social theme in which it is evinced an opposition between a social adversed stratum, and those who oppress it, the bosses, who have money and power. In this way, the purpose of this article is to analyse the mentioned novel, pointing the intrinsic relations among characters, space and novel structure to reveal the fight between oppressors and victims and the defeat of the last ones in an universe dominated by immutable laws from capitalism.
KEYWORDS: Gaibéus; Alves Redol; Oppression; Characters; Victims; Portuguese Literature.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47295/mren.v1i2.332
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